
During the first three weeks of the NST Part 1B Mathematical and Computational Biology subject we will be learning Python programming and foundational data techniques that are useful not just for this course but also beyond. These core concepts are used and applied throughout the whole Mathematical and Computational Biology course. Understanding these are key to be able to follow the rest of the course.

Earn your badge each week#

In the programming world, many organisations award badges to learners on the acquisition of a new skill or completion of a milestone. If you attempted and solved all the exercises of each practical, you will earn a badge. By the end of week three you will have earned the 3-star badge that marks the end of the MCB Python practicals.
Below are the links of each practical sheet that we will be working on each week.

Practical 1


Learn the Python programming language syntax, its core programming concepts and Jupyter Notebooks.

Practical 2


We will learn further programming and Numpy.

Practical 3


Learn how to visualise and manipulate data. We will learn about Pandas and Matplotlib.

Supervision Worksheets#

Below are the links to the supervision worksheets that will provide you with the opportunity to practice more the concepts that we have introduced throughout the Python practicals.

Supervision Worksheet 1

Complete this worksheet after Practical 1.

Supervision Worksheet 2

Complete this worksheet after Practical 2.